Ways To Protect Yourself

Storm clouds. Anxiety. Disconnection. Shadowy emotions.

Sometimes, negative energies make their way into our energy fields. Maybe we pick up those energies from a friend or family member, from someone on the bus ride home, or from something that happens in our own lives. We absorb the negative energy, and it swirls around inside of us until it becomes fear, or anxiety, or sadness, or anger. It makes everything feel hazy, makes it harder to connect with our hearts and our guides.
Certain charms and stones can protect you emotionally and energetically, cleanse you of unwanted vibrations, and guard your energy. Especially for healers, empaths, and highly sensitive people, energetic protection is vital, as we often pick up on other's energy, sometimes without even knowing. Below are some of the charms and stones which have the most potent protective power.

Protective Charms
✨ The Hamsa is a palm shaped symbol that represent the hand of god. It has been used as a protective amulet for centuries throughout the Middle East and and Northern Africa, and is also known as the Hand of Mary, the Hand of Miriam, and the Hand of the Goddess. It is thought to bring its owner happiness, luck, health, and safety.
✨ The Evil Eye is one of the most ubiquitous symbols in the world, dating back thousands of years. Many ancient cultures believed that wearing an evil eye would protect you against evil forces and negative energies. You can think of it as an energy that is going to “watch out” for you and guard you from harm.
✨ Angels wings are thought to be symbols of divine presence and protection. Angel wing charms carry the vibration of divine love and assurance, wrapping you up in that energy so that you are shielded from any negative or lower vibrational energies. Imagine the feeling of peace and protection you would get from being tucked under the wing of an angel- that is the energy that this charm emits.
Protective crystals
✨ Black tourmaline is incredibly grounding, helping you to come back into your body. It also soaks up stress and negative energy like a sponge, leaving you with a clear channel to the divine and an open, positive, centered energy field.
✨ Black kyanite works almost as a personal energetic force field, shielding you from unwanted energies. As it looks like a blade, you can imagine it cutting away negative energies and attachments. According to legend, Archangel Michael's sword was made from black kyanite.
✨ Citrine energizes your solar plexus, activating your personal power and resilience. It promotes strong boundaries and energetic strength, which helps you not absorb unwanted energies.
✨ Green jasper has been honored for millennia in different ancient civilizations as a powerful stone of protection. It is an excellent ally in emotionally or energetic overwhelm, as it is both calming and cleansing. It is especially potent when worn, as it helps ward off negative energy and calm your nervous system.
The wearing of protective amulets and talismans has been a sacred, powerful practice for centuries. They serve both to guard our energy field and emit vibrations of protection, and to remind us of the importance of guarding our energy. Wearing these protective charms and stones, whether on a mala or a charm necklace, will help you to embody your intention and anchor the vibration of protection in your energy field. Certain situations has be especially taxing for people, such as being in loud crowds or working in a less than ideal environment, but these situations cannot always be avoided. Wearing a protective charm helps to ground you no matter what.
BIG Exciting News ! My line of highly powerful Intention Charms are Launching Monday Dec. 3rd! Keep an eye out for them xo
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